The Challenge

The Marathon des Sables or ‘MdS’ is a multi-stage race that takes place in the Sahara desert in southern Morocco. It covers a distance of approximately 155 miles run in six stages over 6days.
The exact route and stage distances are not released until the day before the race starts, but typically the race consists of:

  • Stage 1 - 15 miles (day 1)

  • Stage 2 - 22 miles (day 2)

  • Stage 3 - 24 miles (day 3)

  • Stage 4 - 50 miles (Day 4 and Day 5 is available for competitors to run through the night)

  • Stage 5 - 26 miles - usually an exact 26.2 mile marathon (Day 6 am)

  • Stage 6 - 13 miles (day 6 pm)

  • The terrain is very mixed, from rough stony plains to mountainous sand dunes. Temperatures during the day can reach 120 degrees F and drop to freezing overnight....

    All runners also have to carry all their food and kit for the full event and water is rationed to 9 litres per day.

    Looking for the ultimate challenge

    I woke up looking for the ultimate challenge; I went to bed registered to run the’ world’s toughest foot race’, the Marathon Des Sables.

    I have a believe that anyone can achieve anything they want to with the correct training and support whatever the obstacles are that get in the way. I wanted to find the ultimate challenge which will truly test this belief.

    Running 155 miles across a desert in 50 degree heat is a challenge for anyone, but adding arthritis in both knees and a shoulder into the equation and a maximum of 5 months training makes this even more of a challenge.

    If you think this is a challenge, now try considerering a world where you are unable to read and writte.