Marathon Des Sables Kit List

Christmas over it is time to get organised - a little late but better now than a month before the Matrathon Des Sables. I have ordered my Back-pack and Compression Shorts so I can start training with Race weight from the start of January for the next 3 months. Reading MDS Blogs; it seems most first timers will head out with 10+kg, although if I am smart I am hoping I will get this down to about 8kg.

Since I wrote my last post I have not been out training, after damaging my knee I went back training too soon and I managed to pick up a Stress Fracture in my Fibia. I have been completely out of action for the last 3/4 weeks. I am now feeling signs of recovery and desperately hoping I will be back training on the 2nd of Jan. Time to go back to a t-total lifestyle and get my head down training. I will post a detailed 3 month Marathon Des Sables training plan very soon.

If anyone is interested in doing some long weekend runs please do get in touch, some company would be great.

Training up to December

Christmas is fast approaching with only 4 days of work left this year has flown by and even more scary, only have 3 months until the Marathon Des Sable. I keep reading blogs about others training and starting to think the finishing as one of the top UK entrants is slipping away fast. I am out of training this week after falling and hitting my knee last Friday I went back to training on Wednesday. As a result I have damaged a tendon in my ankle due to a funny foot placement so I am still out even though the now is now OK- Lesson learnt no more TreasureChests in Mahiki.
Unfortunately unlike the Berlin Marathon I don’t think I am going to be able to turn up without training and still get a pretty OK result (Randomly got a letter through with my times yesterday, only 3 months after the event, Half 1.26, full 3:04 178th /3,000 in the under 30’s).
I have still not really got into the swing of training although I have done a few long runs and starting to build a bit of speed up but a long way to go. One o of the critical success factors will be preparation and that is most defiantly missing at present.
I am learning a lot about myself in this process. After training almost twice a day with rowing and never missed a group session, I just can’t force myself to put the same training into running at the minute. I am feeling comparatively lazy, the lack of training is also not allowing me to release the tension form work and I am starting to affect my mood. I am over competitive with myself which means I set myself unrealistic challenges, as a result I am never happy with the outcome, for most people finishing would be an great achievement, why I have set myself the challenge of being a top UK finisher I have no Idea, but don’t think I will be happy unless I achieve it.
I am doing this as a personal Goal, but more importantly to raise money for ‘Springboard for Children’, this is a great charity do click onto the pages to read about their work. It is a relatively small charity but does amazing things.
A few times and distances:
• 19th November: 17.14 miles, 02:06:31, 07:23 mpm, 1973 Cals
• 30th November: 05.10 miles, 00:31:16, 06:08 mpm, 605 Cals
• 04th December: 15.74 miles, 01:50:05, 07:00 mpm, 1915 Cals